2002 Schedules
Time Trials
The Alberta Bicycle Association
Ft.St.John Blizzard Cycling Club
Wapiti Nordic Ski Club
Wapiti Striders Running Club
Rides and Races
Canadian Death Race
24 Hours of Adrenalin
Golden Triangle Tour
Velo News
Bicycling Magazine
Mountain Bike

Welcome To The Grande Prairie Wheelers Cycling Club Homepage
The goal of the Grande Prairie Wheelers Cycling Club is to promote the use of the bicycle for sport, recreation, and transportation, and as one of the best ways to have fun. The club offers a wide variety of activities to its members and encourages all cycling enthusiasts to join them. The Wheelers are affiliated with the Alberta Bicycle Association.
(There are days we just hate to ride alone.)
Club News
April 1:
The Wheelers have added two foreign riders to the Challenge Cup racing team. Brad Matthes, the brother of American MTB racer, Ruthie Matthes, and Greg Pantani, the twin of Italian pro road racer Marco Pantani.
Matthes was asked why he was added to the Wheelers already strong team: "I think that my strongest assets as a rider are my intelligence. I been ridin' in Ruthie's shadow for years and years an' I think kicking some Fort Nelson(sic) butt in the Challenge Cup will be awesome an' a chance to get my picture in Velonews . "
Pantani when asked why he was riding for an amateur team said: "I cannotta climba lika Marco. The sunamagunna is lika da mountain goata. I hate dat #$@%$!. Marco, Marco , Marco... Everyting issa always abouta Marco! I hate dat Marco @#$%@!"
In related news, the Wheelers Challenge Cup team has been rocked by a drug scandal. In this exclusive photo, Francis Plum explains to Wheelers' president, Steve Magusin, that he hasn't been taking Human Growth Hormone and that if he had tested positive, it was because of an herbal supplement he had used. Francis has been steadfast in his claim that he is clean and that his remarkable growth over the winter is due to time spent in the gym. He has also said that if anyone else doubts his innocence he would "crush them like a mosquito".
Regular Club Activities
Time Trials
Tuesdays, 7:PM (6:30 PM April and October)
See club schedule for locations. Everyone welcome.
Mountain Bike Rides
Thursdays, 7:00 PM (6:30 PM April, September, and October)
Meet at the Crystal Center parking lot. All welcome.
Special Events
Mountain Bike Races
Monthly, April - October: Challenge yourself. Get dirty and have fun! See club schedule for dates and locations.
Both on and off-road.
Weekends through the summer.
When the scenery is too nice, ride slow and stop lots.
See club schedule for dates and locations.
Required Equipment
--Cycling helmet (ANSI, Snell or CSA approved) At light speed a skid lid holds your hair in place.
--Bicycle in good working order You can ride further in a day then you'd ever care to walk. Don't get stranded with mechanical failure.
--Cycling gloves and shorts (Recommended)
Wear your helmet every time you ride. Dont leave home without it.
Wear bright colored clothing and ride defensively. See and be seen.
Keep your bike in good working order.
Carry a small tool kit and patch kit on your bike at all times. A quick fix beats walking.
Always take food and water with you on long rides. A few loonies are also useful.
Dress for the weather and be prepared for weather changes during your ride.
Its also a good idea to let someone know where you plan to ride and when you expect to be back.
Club Contacts
Steve Magusin (President) (780) 539-4134
Greg Poirier (Vice President) (780) 532-1865
James Proudfoot (Newsletter) (780) 532-4348
more info. coming soon
Race Results
2001 Race Results
Time Trial Records
Triathlon Corner
Radench Report
Local Links
Bill Corcoran's Run Quick
GP's Shady Junction
The April Fools Page
Weather Forecasts
