2004 Schedules
Time Trials
GP Area(881k)
TT Start Locashuns(124k)
Wapiti No'dic Centre Trails(157k)
Th' Alberta Bicycle Associashun
Ft.St.John-Boy Blizzard Cyclin' Club
Wapiti No'dic Ski Club
Wapiti Striders Runnin' Club
Rides an' Races
Kinadian Death Race
24 Hours of Adrenalin
Golden Triangle Tour
Velo Noos
Bicyclin' Magazine
Mountain Bike

Welcome To Th' Gran'e Prairie Wheelers Cyclin' Club Homepage
Th' goal of th' Gran'e Prairie Wheelers Cyclin' Club is t'promote th' use of th' bicycle fo' spo't, recreashun, an' transpo'tashun, an' as one of th' bess ways t'have fun, as enny fool kin plainly see. Th' club offers a wide variety of ackivities t'its members an' incourages all cyclin' inthusiasts t'join them, dawgone it. Th' Wheelers is affiliated wif th' Alberta Bicycle Associashun.
(Thar is days we jest hate t'ride alone.)
Club Noos
Road Trip! Fry mah hide! WooHoo! Fry mah hide! Fo' them who is interested, we will be meetin' at th' Crystal Centre at 12:00 Noon on Sunday May 30, 2004 t'
car pool t'Ft. St. John-Boy t'take in th' fust Challenge Cup Road Race of th' year.
Th' Wheelers held their fust mountain bike race of th' season on May 16. Fourteen riders took part but Steve Magusin held off an early challenge by Greg Poirier an' proved t'be th' class of th' field, cuss it all t' tarnation. Results
Th' Wheelers annual juneral meetin' will be held on Wednesday, March 31 at 7:00 pm at th' Muskoseepi park pavilion, as enny fool kin plainly see. See yo' thar! Fry mah hide!
Regular Club Ackivities
Time Trials
Tuesdays, 7:PM (6:30 PM April an' Ockober)
See club schedule fo' locashuns. Ev'ryone welcome.
Mountain Bike Rides
Thursdays, 7:00 PM (6:30 PM April, Seppember, an' Ockober)
Meet at th' Crystal Center parkin' lot. All welcome.
Special Events
Mountain Bike Races
Monthly, April - Ockober: Challenge yo'seff. Git dirty an' haf fun! Fry mah hide! See club schedule fo' dates an' locashuns.
Both on an' off-road, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Weekends through th' summer.
When th' scenery is too nice, ride slow an' stop lots.
Required Equipment
--Cyclin' helmet (ANSI, Snell o' CSA approved) At light speed a skid lid holds yer hair in place.
--Bicycle in fine wawkin' o'der Yo' kin ride further in a day then yo'd evah care t'walk. Shet mah mouth! Don't git stran'ed wif mechanical failure.
--Cyclin' gloves an' sho'ts (Recommended)
Wear yer helmet ev'ry time yo' ride. Dont leave home wifout it.
Wear bright colo'ed clothin' an' ride defensively. See an' be see.
Keep yer bike in fine wawkin' o'der.
Carry a small tool kit an' patch kit on yer bike at all times. A quick fix beats walkin'.
Allus take grub an' water wif yo' on long rides. A few loonies is also useful, ah reckon.
Dress fo' th' weather an' be prepared fo' weather changes durin' yer ride.
Its also a fine idea t'let someone knows whar yo' plan t' ride an' when yo' speck t'be back. Shet mah mouth!
Club Contacks
Steve Magusin (President) (780) 539-4134
Greg Poirier (Vice President) (780) 532-1865
James Proudfoot (Noosletter) (780) 532-4348
mo'e info. a-comin' soon
Race Results
May 16 MTB
2003 Race Results
2002 Race Results
2001 Race Results
Time Trial Reco'ds
2002 Challenge Cup MTB
2002 Pappys' Day MTB
Triathlon Co'ner
Radench Repo't
Local Links
Billy Joe Co'co'an's Helter-skelter Quick
GP's Shady Junckshun
2001 April Fools Page
2002 April Fools Page
2003 April Fools Page
2004 April Fools Page
Weather Fo'ecasts
